HighRankingStudio.com - the SEO Specialists

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Partner with us

If you are a Web Design/ Development Company, or a Freelancer; And, you have probably heard about SEO/SEP ?. You have heard about how it would add value to your clients. But, you are not sure how to go about it.

We invite you to partner with us. You can even learn about how to market SEO services better to your clients, from us. As a reputed & responsible player in the industry, you can rely on us. Working based on Trust, integrity & honesty with both our partners & clients is our foremost priority. We respect the Confidentiality & our services are white-labelled. We use only proven methods & hence we have no issues in being transparent about what we do, to your client’s web site.

We engage with our partners in a Win-Win relationship, and we always think in the long-term. Teamwork is our way of life. And, you may leave the rest to us & relax.

Engagement Models:

We have different Engagement Models, to best suit your relationship with us. We can either handle your web site on a project-to-project basis. Or, if you have more projects, you may even consider hiring our SEO Resource, or an SEO Team – on a monthly basis.

Project-based (or) Fixed Pricing

  • Low-risk option.

  • Our resources would put in the needed effort on your web site, as per initial plan.

  • In-depth SEO knowledge, may not be needed from clients end.

Dedicated SEO Resource / Team

  • Fixed cost per resource – a month.

  • this could be an extension of the clients Development facility.

  • Client has direct control over the SEO resource/team.

  • works better for large-scale projects.

Walter Bagehot (an eminent British journalist, businessman, and essayist of the 18th Century) said “The great pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do”. And, this forms the basis of our passion that encourages taking up challenges.

HighRankingStudio is committed to assist you with achieving your client’s online business goals.

Please write to us, explaining what your requirements are.